He tarmacked for one month hopping to get a white collar job but all in vain. He landed in a security company where he was sacked after working for only […]
The group was registered with the government on 14th March 2015 after undergoing trainings from Visionary Community Care Program (VICOCAP). It has been operating since then for the last three […]
I took my first business loan of ksh.15, 000 on 22nd September 2016 which I paid for three months. I used the whole amount of loan to boost the salon […]
VICOCAP with IDEWES and KISEP formed a consortium called VIKIDE in April 2017 to conserve the environment in kibera slum. On 5th June 2017, VIKIDE commemorated the first world environmental […]
The NGO identifies vulnerable people in the community, organizes them into solid groups and facilitates their registration with the government. The respective individuals are them trained on group dynamics, entrepreneurship, […]
In the context of environmental degradation, revolving loan funds could give the poor and their families the ability to protect their livelihoods against life’s shocks and diversify their livelihood activities. […]