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VICOCAP with IDEWES and KISEP formed a consortium called VIKIDE in April 2017 to conserve the environment in kibera slum.  On 5th June 2017, VIKIDE commemorated the first world environmental day in Kibera slum. The consortium started a cleanup exercise in Makina market all the way to Kibra academy where the event took place.

“The participants who included students from Nazarene and Kenyatta universities planted 121 trees at Kibra academy”

Mrutu Response

There were representatives from community youths and women groups. Environmental school clubs performed environmental dramas and cited poems.
The event was sponsored by among others KCB Kibera branch, ASAS Supermarket and community business people.

The event was unique as it was organized by a consortium to celebrate the world environment day in Kibera slum for the first time. The event shall be commemorated annually with a purpose of sensitizing the community on the importance of environmental conservation as well as empowering the youths economically through garbage collection and waste management.
The community identifying the problem and finding lasting solutions from within is another uniqueness of the event.