In the context of environmental degradation, revolving loan funds could give the poor and their families the ability to protect their livelihoods against life’s shocks and diversify their livelihood activities.
Imke, her family and friends in the Netherlands donated USD 300 to jump start the IMKE OVC education fund. This really motivated VICOCAP to mobilize other resources to expand the fund. The NGO annually organizes breakfast and luncheon events where friends are invited to support the fund. Bilha Atieno a total orphan from Kianda village became the first beneficiary of the fund after undergoing a vetting interview which IMKE Participated. The fund recruits one new beneficiary each year.
“Other than financial support, IMKE OVC education fund does linkages and referral of orphans to other organizations which supports OVCs.”Jason Response
Since inception, IMKE OVC education fund has linked 4 poor children to other organizations which have enabled them access secondary education. Additionally, the fund is paying secondary schools fees to 3 OVCs in various high schools in Kibera slum.
At the end of each term, the children are taken through a counseling session to nurture their talents, share experiences, motivate them to remain focused and show them love due to lack of parental love. Orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) have very special needs if not addressed can easily ruin their lives.
As per the organization motto “we value small things” any support or donation to IMKE OVC education fund enhances the capacity of the NGO to enroll more OVCs. We invite you to visit our organization and interact with the beneficiaries. You will be greatly inspired.